This plant marks a significant step forward in medical technology and has attracted attention from the healthcare industry both nationally and internationally.
Important milestone
A proud Jasper Kurth, CEO of Thor Medical, welcomed guests to the opening of the pilot plant at Herøya.
"This pilot plant is now delivering isotope samples to customers so they can verify the purity. These alpha emitters are now in clinical testing around the world, and the results so far are astonishing. It is a highly environmentally friendly product that can help millions of cancer patients worldwide. No dangerous by-products, no radioactive waste," he said.

"Our team has built the facility within the estimated time and budget. Today marks an important milestone for both the company and cancer patients," said Kurth.
Investing in the health industry
Among the guests at the opening were Minister of Trade and Industry Cecilie Myrseth and the Mayor of Porsgrunn, Janicke Andreassen, both of whom highlighted the plant's significance for future industry and healthcare innovation.

"This is an important step for Norway's health industry," said Trade Minister Cecilie Myrseth during the opening ceremony. She emphasised the government's goal to increase exports from industries other than oil and gas by 50% by 2030, in line with the Hurdal Platform.
"We are focusing on the health industry as part of the green transition," she said, praising the effort put into the project and wishing Thor Medical success.
Life-saving milligrams
The Mayor of Porsgrunn expressed her pride that Herøya is once again at the forefront of industrial growth, this time in a completely new way.

"We have had industry here for almost 100 years, and the companies here have produced millions of tonnes. Now, we are talking about milligrams, but these milligrams are incredibly important. It is enough for many life-saving cancer treatment doses," Andreassen said.
"It is fantastic that this technology is based here in Porsgrunn."
Thorium, a perpetual machine
Sindre Hassfjell, Chief Technology Officer at Thor Medical, explained how the plant operates.
"The plant is delivering high purity and very potent precursors for cancer drugs; Radium 228 and Thorium 228. Here the Thorium is passed through a separation system that divides thorium from radium. All chemicals are recycled, and thorium will continuously generate new radium," he explained.

"Thorium has a half-life of 14 billion years, so we can call it a perpetual machine," he said with a smile.
With the new pilot plant up and running, Thor Medical is looking forward to scaling up production.
"Once we become a full-scale factory, we can process tonnes of thorium. We will end up with just a few milligrams, but those milligrams can make the difference between life and death for many patients," Hassfjell concluded.

09. October 2024